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The following are provided by our technical staff flotation machine technical analysis, my company adhering to the "strength of forging brand, to quality to cultivate the market, in good faith and development" business philosophy, and constantly strive for excellence. After long-term use of the user, to obtain the user's praise.
With the development of science and technology, flotation machine technology has been rapid development in.
Air flotation machine technology, untreated sewage into the first reaction chamber, and the liquid full contact, flocculation reaches the air, micro bubbles and bubble generator there are fully mixed, the working principle of bubble generator is the use of gas-liquid mixing pump suction, suction side edge, pump pressure mixing, resulting in micro bubble 20 ~ 30 μ M. Due to the imbalance between the gas water mixture and liquid, resulting in a vertical upward buoyancy, the suspended solids were brought to the surface. In the floating process, micro bubble would attach to the suspended matter, after reaching the surface suspended solids will rely on these bubbles supporting and maintaining the on the surface of the water, and the air force radiate to clear
If you have other questions, please contact us!


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